My Recent Projects

Business website development for authors, freelancers and small businesses.

Chad E. Foster

Upgrading and maintenance of an author and high-impact keynote speaker Chad E. Foster website.


How I built a fast and professional website for DataLed, a conversion rate optimization agency

Laba Skaņa

Redesigning in Jamstack (Jekyll, NetlifyCMS and Netlify) a freelance DJ and Sound Engineer website allowed to achieve much better performance and streamline design and layout for a better user experience.

Non-Fiction Author Website Template

Clean, modern, mobile-responsive design and blazing fast and secure Jamstack back-end (Eleventy, TailwindCSS and Netlify) for an effective non-fiction author website.

Single Page Author Website

When you are ready to launch your first - or next - book and need a simple single page website to showcase it, with links to purchase on the most popular platforms, and a sign-up form to grow your email list.

Author Standard Website

A standard author website template to showcase multiple books, connect with readers through an author bio page, and a clear call to action to sign up for email newsletter.

Let's talk!

An effective website is purpose-built to achieve business goals.

Let me build you a custom, good looking, fast, secure and easy to update business website.

Send me a message at and tell me about your project. I'm always glad to hear from other entrepreneurial people.